My work seeks to examine the entanglements of our social, emotional, and psychological relationships to Climate Crisis issues. I am interested in how first world societies deal with excess and over-consumption in the name of convenience. Since moving to O‘ahu in 2017, I have seen first-hand what our plastic over-consumption means on a much more frequent basis. The eastern and northern beaches of Hawai‘i are particularly susceptible to the inundation of ocean plastics. While most of my current work utilizes the found plastics polluting our oceans and addresses the severity of the problem, I also strive to make visible the connections that bind us over borders, boundaries, and oceans. Be it Climate Chaos, geopolitics, production, consumption, distribution, or waste management failures, the world is getting smaller and the knots are getting tighter as these global issues entangle us collectively in emotional and psychological storms. I am interested in the question of whether we can utilize these structural entanglements to create a stronger web of support and demand for policy change around the globe instead of strangling ourselves in systemic failures.